All Things Computers And More > Ultimate Gamerz Zone

What game did you last play?

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I last played PITFALL 2 (Atari 2600) and I closed it in disgust! (I wasnt doing good,kept losing points.etc)

I last played HERO (Atari 2600)

Well I first playerd the arcade version of HERO and the the atari 2600 one...... Totally different games!!

Its strange they both came out in 1984 and are not the same!!!! (Dig dug for example is the same across many platforms)

I last played Ms. Pacman :) (Arcade)

I last played Donkey Kong :) (Arcade)

I just finished The Last Of Us on the PS4.  Great game, and I can't wait for the next one to come out.... next year.  :'(


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