New Members Area > New members Living Room
Supermod reunion.
Forgot my manners and did not make a intro post. :( Bad me! It is nice to see so many of the old guard back together again. I missed the old days and look forward to the new ones. I cannot believe how fast the time went by, not to mention how much time it has been. I look forward to the many conversations to come.
Yes its been a long time..... TOO LONG!!!!!!!!!
I am also glad you and alot of the guys are back....... I was scared,thinking everyone left the VBB site....... Im glad alot of you have accepted the invite and came back!!
Agreed amigo. Whole new world. I made all the oldies admins to help out a bit around here.
Also to recognize those of us who were here 15+ years ago 😊
Thank you boss. I appreciate the gesture. :)
Sweet, nice to see so many old alum.
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