I trust its still working ok

I last repaired a cassette I got the other day.... It wouldnt play well,it sounded sluggish like it had gotton wet....Well first look @ the window in the cassette showed that stupid plastic sheet on both sides so I figured this was the reason......
I opened the cassette which was popped together (I easily opened it with a knife wedged in the front)
THERE WERE NO ROLLERS IN IT!!!!! -- What kind of moron put this together?? -- NO WONDER IT DIDNT PLAY WELL!!!!!!!!! (It is a 1981 album)
I just happend to have a new cassette (BLANK) that has screws so I opened it and put the tape into the new cassette and she plays fine... (DEF LEPPARD - HIGH N DRY)
Well.... The first time I played it when it got to the last song on side 1 (Bringing on the hardbreak) it was a bit sluggish and IM NOT SURE WHY.... When it played side 2 though it was fine...... On second play it was fine on both sides

(Must have been something stuck near the end of the tape that fell out)
Boy.... NO ROLLERS!!!!!!! -- How stupid and unresponsible to make something like this AND LET IT OUT!!!!!! (Like they didnt care that it wouldnt work well)