Open Discussions Areas > Parenting 101

Happy Bringing up Children is Way Behind Me


Now I watch the stress of my daughter and her two adult kids, 20's, and can say from my life experience my folks had it the easiest as times were so so much Simpler when I was being raised.  Now, omg....

And now adding this Covid mess, another omg.   Grandson was hoping to start 3rd yr of college but he does NOT want to go to virtual will this all end  up... 

Yea I hear ya.......

Its quite bad out there now isnt it??

Very sad whats happend to the world :(

Yes  and with every piece of info I hear and read now, I'm smelling more fraud and a "new normal".....get me out of here...

Yup and just like I suspected,its getting worse as we get closer to election....

More places are complaining if you dont have a mask on.......... They say the health dept is giving them a hard time.......


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