Author Topic: Searching for reliable and affordable VPN for OS X Sierra  (Read 10368 times)

Offline Audius Loudus

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Searching for reliable and affordable VPN for OS X Sierra
« on: May 31, 2017, 02:52:06 PM »
I know there's no free lunch, but the budget is tighter than a... well, it's tight, so cheap is currently my friend.

Preparing to journey from AZ back to IL for a couple of months of elder-care - not sure what to expect there for connectivity, but want to cover my tracks in any case.

Any recommendations from the Apple tree?

Thanks in advance. (or just thanks if you've already responded - this for the timeline jumpers and alternate reality residents)
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Offline dickster

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Re: Searching for reliable and affordable VPN for OS X Sierra
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2017, 03:56:20 PM »
I use this one. It's $40 a year and that seems cheap to me.