I was a Volunteer Community Leader on AOL (my favorite job of every job I've ever held, but I didn't get paid for it lol) for 10 years and TVLand/Nick@Nite were one of the companies I worked for/with. I left shortly after getting married 15 years ago because AOL started allowing far too much crap in their forums, etc. (because AOL got George magazine to join them and since George allowed bad language in their magazine they said they had to allow it too. I warned all my companies that the general public wouldn't stand for it and that they would end up losing customers. They did. Almost every forum that changed to the "less friendly" format of bad language and idiots ended up dying, just like I said).
Boy, I miss those days. A lot. The "new" Internet is not what it used to be. These days I just want to yell "get off my lawn" all the time! hehe